The Fairy's Did It

So it happened like this... I was walking down the hallway and to my shock and excitement there were three fairy's standing there with crayons and drawing on the wall! *stops to look around and see if anybody believes this* They handed me the crayon and told me to draw on the wall myself.. welll.. being the good girl that I am *stops to giggle at this* I said nooope! But then I touched the wall and then my own face and got crayon all over.. so that's how that happened.... Yup exactly like that I swear... Was alla fairy's fault! 

Muriel. Sally Outfit Light - Includes the outfit w/ optional tied sweater, bracelet and sandals not pictured 
That's So {Kyoot} PolkaDot High Top  // Gray (5)
Noodles & [WAZ] - Vintage Romance Necklace Rose Gold
AMITOMO.Eye Collection #16
Bad Seed - Messy Faces
{T.T}Rosalyn retro TD NAILS - Coming to Hello Beautiful April 5th

Pose: Made by me and not for sale yet! 



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