Part Of Your World

For those of you who dont know The Little Mermaid is my absolute all time favorite movie. I can probably recite line by line and every word of each song. When Clair De Lune released this mermaid dress I knew it was perfect to wear to go on a search for shiny trinkets, dinglehoppers and my very own Scuttle. I didn't find any dinglehopper but I did find Scuttle! Except... he didn't sing to me or hand me anything shiny.. oh well! I searched high and low for Prince Erik and I couldn't find him either ... *let's out a tiny sigh* Oh well at least I looked cute! *flips hair* 

{ Clair de Lune } Mermaid Princess Dress - Pink
Turducken ToddleeDoo - Tia Flats - Cream
[e] Karee - Essentials
Noodles & Kibitz - Primrose Headband White

Pose: .Flutter. ~ Pretty Girl 1
Location: The Trace 



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