Song Of The Winds

Have you ever stopped to listen to the songs the wind sing as they sweep past your ear? If you haven't I can tell you it is pretty amazing. All you have to do is want to hear the tales. 

The Look

Turducken  - Veroniqa Dress - Pink - New release! This so pretty dress comes in 6 different color options!
{CD} Mary Jane - Milk - Ninety-Nine
{T.T}Rosalyn PINK necklace
+Half-Deer+ Forest's Tale - Petals and Pearls Bracelet - White
=Zenith=Spring Rose Crown
[Lazy Unicorn] Rose Earring - Rose
Lamb. When

Pose: {PB} Little Miss Pose 4 - Color Me Cute

Even if your day seems to go by faster then a blink of an eye.. always take a moment to stop and experience the world around you.




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